and you are right; one case might not be enough.
It must be THAT good.
As I make his eighth "cracker with peanut butter on it and another cracker on top of that"
for his eighth meal of the day
for the eighth day in a row
I wonder
Is there anything that I could actually eat for every meal?
CMH Dinner Club
It's hard to describe CMH Dinner Club because it hasn't been around very long. It is doubly hard because it isn't really mine (it isn't really any one person's club). Despite that, I'm going to try to do it here.
Things you should know:
1 - There is one rule to CMH Dinner Club: you cannot arrive empty-handed unless you are really funny AND good at washing dishes. Okay, seriously, I do not know that there are rules to this club. There is definitely peer pressure to bring food that you prepared.
2 - CMH Dinner Club started with a wistful tweet and much encouragement and enabling by food lovers around the city.
3 - The Twitter account (which maintains a private setting) was created only to share the address and phone number of the host/hostess's house. (We let non-Twitterers attend too so there is also a Facebook account. We'll trap you into our social media web somehow.) There are several of us with the password to these accounts. We really only want to share our address and phone number with people that intend on joining us for a meal.
Here is our unofficial method of determining whos follow request gets accepted:
- We don't accept follow requests on the day of a dinner (it is like RSVP-ing on the day of an event; we don't want the hosts or guests to feel last minute pressure).
- We don't accept follow requests from someone that hasn't been participating in the conversation leading up to a dinner (mention @CMHDinnerClub or join the conversations with other guests). We know Twitter and Facebook suggest accounts for everyone to follow/friend. We have no idea if you are interested in joining us for a meal or just accepting those suggestions.
- We don't accept follow requests from businesses because we don't think businesses actually want to party with us. Feel free to prove us wrong.
- I think that is it. Yup.
We haven't been around long enough to have unfollow rules. I imagine that there will be a day where we start unfollowing people if they are not attending any of the dinners. Not because we don't like them or because they are not invited, but again, the point of the accounts is to share our private contact information with a bunch of strangers over the internet.
4 - Everyone is invited. Very few of us knew each other in real life before that first dinner.
5 - A dinner happens when a good idea and brilliant name spark interest. Our dinners thus far have been:
Winner, winner (Thomas Keller's fried) chicken dinner
"The family you choose" post-Thanksgiving poutine dinner
The Showcase of Crusted Arts: a dinner of pie
Grilled and Chilled: from fire to ice
6 - Anyone can host a dinner at their house. What you can expect if you host:
- control of accepting friend requests on Twitter and Facebook
- no idea ahead of time how many people are showing up until well into the actual dinner party
- a crowd of interesting and interested people (it usually ends up being about 20 people)
- delicious leftovers
- abandoned kitchen equipment
I know that this sounds good. To find out what ideas are being bantered around (or who is talking), click here and then join in.
UPDATE: New location for updates and events HERE And if you need a password, try "freedom"
Blood Orangecello
I am a dark beer, red wine, Pepsi or cold milk drinking girl. I am intimidated by liquor solely because I do not know what I like or what to order.
Lori is the perfect enabler for a girl like me. She introduced me to creamy limoncello at the very first CMH Dinner Club dinner and I was in love. Seriously.
I may be intimidated by mixology but I am not shy about making anything that ends up in a Ball jar.
After that night, I made a few batches that I never quite got around to giving away as Christmas gifts and I worked my way through them quickly (with a little help from my friends and family). I heard Lori talking about her experiments in making new cellos (pumpkin and ginger) and started thinking of any possible way I might improve on this beautiful drink.
Hey! It is blood orange season!
This might not look like the most delicious thing drink but it is: not too sweet, excessively drinkable and more than a bit like an alcoholic Dreamsicle (or is it Creamsicle?).
I haven't started cooking with it yet, although Lori and NPR have told me that I should try. So, that is on the to do list. First, I must put in an order for a case of blood oranges...
Blood Orangecello
Recipe adapted from NPR's creamy limoncello
8-10 blood oranges (or any citrus fruit)
5 cups pure alcohol*
1 half gallon whole milk (I suggest Snowville Creamery Whole Milk because you can taste the difference.)
5 pounds sugar (10 cups)
1.5 oz whiskey
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
*NPR used Everclear. I used cheap-ish vodka that I ran through a Brita filter 3 times. Yes, I know that this will not make it taste like good vodka but it does make it smoooooooth like those more pricey vodkas. My thinking: Taste is not going to be a problem with this drink. Some alcohol will cook off in the process; if you want a strong end product, start with a strong liquor.
- Peel oranges being mindful to minimize the amount of pith (white part of the peel). More pith = more bitterness = sad face.
- Optional: Juice the peel-less oranges. I cooked the juice with a couple tablespoons of sugar until it had reduced by half so that I could add it to the finished cello. If you don't want to do this, segment the blood oranges and toss with lettuce, shallots and Little Rosie's dressing (available at the Hill's market). You win either way.
- After a week (or two), strain the orange alcohol and discard the peels.
- In a large, heavy bottomed saucepan, combine orange alcohol, milk, sugar, whiskey and vanilla. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and lightly simmer for five minutes while stirring continuously.
- Skim the foam/skin from the top of your creamy cello (discard the foam) and strain your cello into jars.
- Freeze. Keep your blood orangecello in the freezer when you are not pouring a glass to drink.
- You can stop here and have a lovely white (almost pale blue) velvety drink or you can add the cold blood orange syrup into your very cold orangecello. You might end up with that Mylanta looking drink, but that added orange flavor really pops when you add any mixers to your glass. (After adding the syrup, you may want to restrain the cello if the added acidity results in any separation of the milk.)
When pouring my drink, I prefer 1 part cello to 1 part club soda. It can be sipped straight up (remind yourself to sip this smooth drink slowly), used for cooking (icing a plum cake, for example) and although I have no experience doing so, I am sure that you could use this in other mixed drinks.
Hurry up. Blood orange season will be over in a month.
(Some photos were taken by my favorite drinking and kitchen experimenting partner, Paul. He would like you to call this drink a blocello.)
Showcase of Crusted Arts
(art by MichaelCoyote)
The rules for the third CMH Dinner Club dinner were simple:
1. Show up with a dish that had a crust and a filling.
2. Enjoy yourself.
The savory spread:
I'm going to attempt to tell you what you are looking at (correct me where I need it, please). From the bottom left and moving clockwise:
Jim & Emily's English pork pie
Talcott's Goat cheese and root vegetable pizza
Mike & Katie's Turkey and leek pie
Cheese pies from Salam Bakery
Katie Rowell's vegetarian mini pies
(we are moving to the top of the right side of the photo now)
Spicy meat pies from Salam Bakery
Anne & Kevin's Chicken pot pie
Debra & Greg's Crab and shrimp with pimento cheese biscuits on top
Bethia's Fish pie (cod, smoked haddock, prawns topped with crusty mashed potatoes)
Not shown in this photo:
Carl's Hot pockets (and lean pockets)
Jennifer's Pierogis (butter & sour cream dough; rosemary, garlic, onion filling)
Christy's Salt crusted fish
Lori's Pastrami
Michael's Fish galette
Paul's Sriracha (not a pie, but worth a mention)
I know!
And the sweet spread:
From the bottom left and moving clockwise:
Carl's Banana and chocolate ganache pie
Jim & Emily's Cardamom buttermilk pie bruled
Debra & Greg's Hershey's pie
Jim & Emily's Cardamom buttermilk pie
Molly's Meyer lemon tart with bittersweet chocolate layer
Jenny's World famous clementine pie with graham cracker crust
Paul's & my Wayward Seed peach and child tear infused blueberry pie
Valerie's Pecan octopi (get it?)
Zach's Corn syrup-less pecan pie with Bourbon whipped cream
Amazing, right? Let me show you more:
Christy's salt crusted fish is a must repeat. The flesh that was closest to the blood oranges was so incredible, moist and delicious that I cannot think of it without my stomach growling.
And her skills made for a beautiful unveiling:
These are the last known photos of pie before it was devoured:
This is my attempt to fit all of the desserts onto one little plate:
The people! Oh the people! I don't have many pictures of people. I got caught up in conversations and drink mixing. I cornered myself in the kitchen so I could keep picking at the fish and the pastrami; so I could taste my first French 75 and down the Blood Orangecello.
I am sure that there are plenty of stories for the other guests to share.
I'll leave this with the view from where I stood (and only including people that let me find them in my viewfinder):
I don't know what the next dinner will be, but it has a high bar to clear. Molly & Christy were incredible hosts, all of the cooks were skilled beyond belief; the drinks were delicious; conversation mighty fine and event name impressive.
Thank you everyone!
Three year old play
"They are all in line for an ice cream cone from Jeni's"
Chilling my pie
1000 hours and $50k in Legos
Alternative title: the New Turducken
Alternative title: Lunch?