This is our next (and hopefully final) attempt at social media event planning strategy.
Private twitter accounts didn't work...
Facebook friendship didn't work...
Facebook groups didn't work...
We are going to give a private Posterous blog a shot with this whole planning of "open invite to everyone that RSVPs before we reach the maximum capacity of our homes while only privately sharing the personal addresses of our host and hostesses " dinner parties.
There will be at least 2 posts for each dinner party - an RSVP post that announces the theme and date of an event and a menu discussion post for working through your ideas. You will need either a Twitter, Facebook or Posterous account to RSVP and comment.
We will let you know via Twitter and FB one week before the RSVP post will appear on the blog. First to RSVP, first to be invited to the dinner.
So... let's try this, okay? We will be posting the October dinner RSVP post on July 6 at 830pm.
In case you missed the link up above, the blog is cmhdinnerclub. The password (for now) is "freedom" - tell your friends (but only the cool ones that know how to cook and like to eat good food).
Note: (If you want to see more about what we have tried and didn't like: CMHDC v 1.0 and CMHDC v 2.0)