So this CMH Dinner Club thing is working out well. We have 5 fabulous dinners under our ever expanding belt, many ideas for future dinners, and dozens of people interested in joining in on the fun.
CMH Dinner Club started as a group of curious, hungry strangers in a town full of people that love good food and drink. Now, we are a bunch of talkative friends with an insatiable desire for great food and drink.
This dinner club is growing up so fast. *fanning face furiously*
The quality of the people and food in this group are ridiculously high so it seems like it is time for us to step up our own game.
- CMH Dinner Club needs to have a better social media presence.
- Those of us behind the scenes of the CMH Dinner Club need to be better event planner-aheaders.
- CMH Dinner Club needs a better name.
Do you think that David Bowie had any idea his lyrics would be one of the most commonly used segues? Probably not. Ah well, here goes.
- Our Twitter page is going public. Originally, we used that account to share the addresses and phone number of our hosting house. We never figured out a good way to determine genuine interest and accept follower requests. Now, anyone will be able to follow the club updates on dates, themes and party details.
- Our FB profile is going to be a private group. Anyone can invite interested friends to join. Each dinner will get an event page. The first people to RSVP for an event will get the address, phone number and any other sensitive information sent to them in an email.
- We are having more dinners, more frequently. As in, every single month.
- We are planning ahead, people! You can pencil us in to your calendars and plan your entire year around these dinners.
- Dinners will most likely have an attendance cap going forward. This number will be determined by the person hosting the dinner based on what their home/deck/yard can accommodate comfortably. Right now, we are trying to find a balance between our previous events that have been open to anyone interested in joining us and future events that will require a limit on how many people can attend. (We are open to suggestions on how best to set up an RSVP system that prevents broken hearts and empty stomachs.)
- We never did get around to coming up with a more awesome name but suggestions are welcome.
Everything else will be the same. For now.
- Each dinner will have a theme (suggested by anybody).
- It will be well named by Lori & Tarl.
- It will have a cool graphic, also probably by Tarl.
- It will be open to anyone; limited only by available space.
- It will be hosted at anyone’s home or business or farm or communal space. (If you are interested, let me know.)
- Everyone that attends will bring food or drink that they prepared.
- The evening will be full of delicious food, tasty beverages and amazing people.
Fun. Fun. Fun.