This was by far the most difficult theme of the #NOPHO challenge to execute.
Initially, I could only think of a place that I don't like - a very negative space - but I didn't want to cheat at this challenge by using the ole dry wit and deliberate misinterpretations.
So after some serious brainstorming, I had a solid list of photo ideas that would be interesting, would use the negative space in the frame thoughtfully, and could fit my unofficial challenge to show the real details of my life.
After a week of shooting, none of those ideas worked very well in pixels.
And so I procrastinated. Which, for this photo challenge, meant that I just lived my life.
Luckily, my life includes treasure hunts with small people on sunny days.
My kids find the greatest treasures every where they look. And I found a picture worth keeping.
Many thanks to Allie for hosting this wonderful challenge. I cannot wait to find another way to push myself behind the camera.