Day 31: 14 miles for vistas and flowers

by Kate Djupe

Today, I learned that the top of my backpack is a day pack/fanny pack. 

That I sit down and take my shoes off the minute we get to any destination and Paul continues to walk around our perch.

That hiking 20 miles into the wilderness does not prevent brushed with civilization.

That waterfalls are most refreshing when you don't see snakes going with the flow.

That Paul & I both really liked Magnus ver Magnusson in the big strong man competition and that I remember the different stages of a hike by what we are talking about as we pass through.

While trees are pretty, trees in front of snow capped peaks are prettier.

That I am really more of a grand vista sort of girl than a view of a pretty tree and flower sort of girl.

Clouds are nice.

That I am a problem solver.

That I love my husband, I love the mountains and I really love my husband in the mountains.
That not being bitten by mosquitos is more important to me than taking photos.

Thank goodness the same was not true of Paul.

That a 14 switchbacked detour is sometimes worth it.